progetto | Canadian Inuit Dogs Il mondo del Canadian Inuit (Eskimo) Dog Sun, 20 May 2012 10:23:13 +0000 it-IT hourly 1 Documentario: “Qimmiq, Canada’s Arctic dog” Sun, 20 May 2012 10:23:13 +0000 Un interessante documentario girato nel 1982 a Yellowknife, che parla del progetto  del noto Biologo Bill Carpenter per salvare i  Canadian Eskimo o Inuit Dog dall’estinzione. The Eskimo dog, the Qimmiq, has been an integral part of northern Canadian life for almost two thousand years. Archival photographs and film footage illustrate how this hard-working purebred [...]

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Un interessante documentario girato nel 1982 a Yellowknife, che parla del progetto  del noto Biologo Bill Carpenter per salvare i  Canadian Eskimo o Inuit Dog dall’estinzione.

The Eskimo dog, the Qimmiq, has been an integral part of northern Canadian life for almost two thousand years. Archival photographs and film footage illustrate how this hard-working purebred was used for hunting, pulling sleds and keeping polar bears at bay. However, by 1975, the breed, decimated by a changing northern lifestyle, was all but extinct. This inspiring documentary shows the dedicated efforts of biologist Dr. William Carpenter to revitalize the strain and how, with support from local Inuit societies, his breeding project has resulted in a growing and once again thriving Qimmiq population.

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